Monday, January 11, 2010

Saturday's Short Ride

Yes. I know I said I would do 63mi on Saturday, but dot to time constraints we had to shorten it.  Never the less, it was a good ride with excellent SoCal weather.  We started around 8:30 and finished before 12 and completed 40 miles.

Me, Alfonzo, Roxanna, Enrique, Henry is taking the picture.


Enrique in the background.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Long Beach to San Joaquin Hills Metric Century

Yeah! The weekend is finally here and I will be hitting the southern California roads this Saturday with some friends and new riders.  It should be a great day to sweat off the holiday pounds I easily gained last year.  This ride will be the first LONG ride I have done since Solvang - last October or November?  It's been so long, I can't recall.  Tomorrow's ride will be a good prelude to next Saturday's Stagecoach Century ride in Ocotillo (near San Diego).  I am really looking forward to tackling some good hills.  I probably should try and do at least 80 miles that day, since the following day, January 17th, is International Day of Italian Cuisine!!!  Mangia! Mangia!  Oh mio dio!  Back to food, again.  I will post pictures tomorrow of the ride.  Have a great weekend!  Ciao!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Beautiful Day to Ride!

Woke up to a chilly house and the promise of a great sunny winter's day in California.  My friend Cheryl met me at 8am and we hit the rode about 8:30.  We took Carson to Studebaker and enjoyed the scenic tree lined parks on the way.  We quickly made headway onto Westminster and rode past the navel station.  The weather was perfect!  We could see all the mountains surrounding Long Beach and the skies were bluer than blue with strokes of white clouds in the distance.  We took Edwards St., recommended by Brent,  for its "big ass hill".  As we came into view of the steep hill, Cheryl shouts from behind me, "Let's go around it!" LOL.  I must admit, it looked intimidating, but we made it over the 7% graded hill.  At the top we could see the HB ocean, and Palos Verdes in the distance with very clear visibility.  I was soo excited to be back on the bike and impressed by Cheryl's ability to keep up a comfortable average pace of 14 to 15 mph.  We took PCH north and turned right on Clark to the end and finished 34 mi in 2.5 hours.  There's nothing like a good ride on a beautiful day to end the weekend.  I was extremely giddy and euphoric all day.  Tonight, I look forward to sound sleep and the possibility  of a quick ride before work, tomorrow.